Articoli scientifici - 13/12/2011
Controllo medico post-pensionamento dei lavoratori esposti a polveri di amianto o di legno: primi risultati del Programma nazionale francese SPIRALE
Post-retirement surveillance of workers exposed to asbestos or wood dust: first results of the French national SPIRALE Program
An estimated number of 15 000 to 20 000 cancers attributable to occupational exposure occur each year in France; asbestos alone accounts for about 2 600 of them and is expected to be the cause of 50 000 to 100 000 cancer cases from 2000 through 2020.1 Exposure to occupational carcinogens is common: the national SUMER survey estimated that 13.5% of the employees are exposed during one standard work week to workplace carcinogens in France;2 in Europe, the CAREX study found that 23% of…